Tuesday 22 October 2013

Using White Balance

In class we had to go around the college with cameras and take pictures while changing the white balance. I took a picture of a sign and changed the white balance settings, and you can see the difference.

This was taken using the tungsten setting. It has loads of blue tones in it and it makes the image seem really dark. When in the tungsten setting, the camera tries to add warm tones.

This was taken using the fluorescent setting.
Even though the picture is blurry, it still makes the
wall look white. The picture has quite a lot of light tones to it.When it's in fluorescent the camera tries to add warm red tones.

This was taken using the fluorescent h setting. It makes the image again seem really bright, but its a lot brighter than the picture taken with the fluorescent setting. When it's in fluorescent h the camera tries to add even warmer red tones.                                                                                

Tuesday 15 October 2013

hard and soft light

In the lesson we looked at the use of hard and soft light in photography. We had to go outside and take pictures of an objects in both hard light and soft light.

The lighting in this picture is hard light. Hard light  creates shadows in pictures and creates quite a harsh light. The light source is coming from the top right corner and you can't see any detail from the sky in that corner. You also have the shadows on the floor coming from the building and the bin. Hard light is when you have the light in front of you when you take the picture. It often makes the subject appear in shadow and looking quite dark.

The light in this picture is soft light. You can see a lot more detail on the tree, like the berries growing on it. You can still see shadows on the building in the background but thy aren't as harsh or noticeable. Soft light is when you have the light behind you while taking the picture, which is a more flattering light.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Rule of Thirds work

In photography we were looking at the 'Rule of Thirds' technique, which is when you have a grid over your photo, which helps you to make your image look balanced and focused. We had to walk around college and take pictures that would correspond with 2 stories we were given; 'Keeping the college litter free' and 'How college tries to make sure students stay safe'.

I took this picture using the rule of thirds grid, and it is showing how the college tries to stay litter free.

This picture is also used to show how the college stays litter free, but I didn't use the grid to balance and focus my picture.

I took this picture to go with the 'how the college keeps students safe', and I used the grid to focus it.

This picture is also to show how college keeps 
students safe but I didn't use the rule of thirds 
grid on this.