Wednesday 21 May 2014

Creative Assignment

This was part of my initial research I did when we started our creative assignment. The topic I chose to do was "Broken Society", and I decided that I was going to photograph pictures of graffiti, and focus mainly on vandalism. I searched for Graffiti images on tumblr to help me develop my ideas a little bit further, and also to hopefully give me some inspiration.

I chose these images because I think they are really different and i'd never seen that type of art before. I'm not sure if the first picture is classed as Graffiti or whether it is seen as street art and is allowed to be there. I also really like the second image, as it is also quite different. I think it is a Banksy piece, and I really like Banksy art because they are actually conveying a message rather than being there for the sake of writing on public property. 

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